Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lenten Readings for Evening

Psalm 103

I love, love, love this Psalm.  The rhythm of the words when read aloud...the lyrical nature of the verse structure.  It always amazes me to read passages like this in Scripture, mostly because I know that I'm not reading in the original language, in the way it was intended to be read, but rather, a lesser translation.  And still, the beauty of God's hand on the scribe shines through. 

And in reading, there is worship by stating fully what God is done and being grateful... forgives my iniquities...heals my diseases...redeems my life from the depths...crowns me with mercy and steadfast love...who gives good life and renewed strength.

Thank you God!  Thank you for your mercy and grace showered upon me.  My soul is blessed by all that you have done for me and I am grateful!

You are a God who doesn't get angry easily, and oh, am I ever grateful for that. 
You are a God who shows mercy, who doesn't treat me how I really ought to be treated, and oh, and I grateful for that.
You are a God who has compassion on your children.
You are a God whose love goes on and one, whose will love my children and their children as much as you love me.  And oh, I am grateful for that!

Bless you, O LORD!

Hebrews 2: 10-18

I took a semester long class on Hebrews while in Seminary.  And I tell you, I'm not sure I understand it any better than I did then!  This is one complex letter (and always led my professor to say that because it is so complex and hard to understand, and the author is not named, he was certain it must have been written by a woman!  He named Priscilla.  I like his way of thinking!) But I digress...

Is this passage about the change that can come through suffering?  Jesus lowered Himself to be like us, and even though He didn't need to suffer for His own salvation, He also knew there was nothing that we ~ his brother and sisters ~ could do to save ourselves. 

Does suffering and pain "perfect" us? Does it save us?  Jesus had to suffer for us.  Does our pain and suffering make us more perfect followers of Christ, more perfect leaders of His people in the church?

It was only in His dying that Jesus was able to break the power of evil in the lives of humans.  And since He suffered this way, He knows.  He knows what we are going through and is able to pray to the Father to protect us from temptation, and to perfect us to be servants in His church.

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